The Faculty
How many of the compromised users in the database are not students?
Submit the flag as
.Use the database from Counting Heads.
Using the database we created during the Counting Heads challenge, we reviewed the user
table but didn't find a column that seemed to designate a user as being a student or not:
mysql> DESCRIBE users;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
user_id int NO PRI NULL auto_increment
username varchar(52) NO UNI NULL
first varchar(52) NO NULL
last varchar(52) NO NULL
middle varchar(24) YES NULL
email varchar(52) NO UNI NULL
street varchar(52) NO NULL
city varchar(52) NO NULL
state_id int NO MUL NULL
zip varchar(10) NO NULL
gender varchar(8) NO NULL
dob date NO NULL
After reviewing the other available tables we found the 'roles'
and 'roles_assigned'
tables to be of interest:
mysql> SELECT * FROM roles;
role_id role_name
5 Adjunct Professor
8 Administration
4 Associate Professor
2 Instructor
3 Professor
6 Research Assistant
7 Research Associate
1 Student
From the 'roles'
table we know that students have a 'role_id'
of 1
, and after reviewing the 'roles_assigned'
we see that it links a 'user_id'
to a 'role_id'
mysql> DESCRIBE roles_assigned;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
role_assigned_id int NO PRI NULL auto_increment
user_id int NO MUL NULL
role_id int NO MUL NULL
Since the challenge is only asking for a count of non-students we can simply count the rows in 'roles_assigned'
where 'role_id'
is not equal to 1
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM roles_assigned WHERE role_id != 1;
Or with a bit fancier query:
SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM users WHERE user_id NOT IN (SELECT user_id FROM roles_assigned WHERE role_id = (SELECT role_id FROM roles WHERE role_name LIKE "Student"));
Or for better performance:
SELECT count(*) FROM users u JOIN roles_assigned ra ON ra.user_id = u.user_id JOIN roles r ON r.role_id = ra.role_id WHERE r.role_name <> 'Student';
The accepted flag was: flag{627}
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