Staging in 1…2…3
The Incident Response (IR) team identified evidence that a Threat Actor accessed a system that contains sensitive company information. The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) wants to know if any data was accessed or taken.
There was a suspicious file created during the timeframe of Threat Actor activity: C:\123.tmp. Can you check it out?
I used the file command to identify the file-type of the provided file and it was identified as a RAR archive:
$ file 123.tmp
123.tmp: RAR archive data, v5
Using unrar
to extract the contents of the archive revealed that flag as a directory name within the archive:
$ unrar x 123.tmp
UNRAR 5.61 beta 1 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2018 Alexander Roshal
Extracting from 123.tmp
Creating MetaCTF{definitely_n0t_all_0f_y0ur_sensitive_data} OK
Creating MetaCTF{definitely_n0t_all_0f_y0ur_sensitive_data}/Company Secret Notes OK
Extracting MetaCTF{definitely_n0t_all_0f_y0ur_sensitive_data}/Company Secret Notes/priv&conf - ongoing internal investigation.txt OK
Creating MetaCTF{definitely_n0t_all_0f_y0ur_sensitive_data}/Emails OK
Extracting MetaCTF{definitely_n0t_all_0f_y0ur_sensitive_data}/Emails/IMG_3302.PNG OK
Creating MetaCTF{definitely_n0t_all_0f_y0ur_sensitive_data}/Super Secret Research on Moving Everything to the Cloud OK
Extracting MetaCTF{definitely_n0t_all_0f_y0ur_sensitive_data}/Super Secret Research on Moving Everything to the Cloud/IMG_0130.PN OK
All OK
The accepted flag was, MetaCTF{definitely_n0t_all_0f_y0ur_sensitive_data}
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