Talking to the Dead 1
Challenge: We've obtained access to a server maintained by spookyboi. There are four flag files that we need you to read and submit (flag1.txt, flag2.txt,...
Hacktober CTF was a two day event organized by Cyber Hacktics that ran October 16-17, 2020. Although it's a yearly event, this was my first year participating and I was thoroughly impressed. The CTF had a large selection of challenges, massive backstory and very little technical issues with the platform. I look forward to next year's competition!
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Finished "Top 50%" | "Write-Up Author" | "Solved 75% of challenges" |
The challenges are listed in the order I solved them.
Challenge: We've obtained access to a server maintained by spookyboi. There are four flag files that we need you to read and submit (flag1.txt, flag2.txt,...
Challenge: There's a hidden flag that belongs to luciafer. Submit the contents of the hidden flag2.txt. ssh Password: hac...
Challenge: We suspect spookyboi doesn't use the root account for this server. There must be some mechanism used to read the flag4.txt file without gaining...
Challenge: Ali Tevlin is quite active on Ghost Town and we believe he's behind some of the recent attacks on De Monne Financial. See what you can find out...
Challenge: Based on what you've been able to discover about Ali Tevlin, tell us what his position is at his current company. Submit the flag in the fol...
Challenge: For claiming to be part of a hacker group as dangerous as DEADFACE, I'm surprised how much sensitive information Ali posts online. Based on the...
Challenge: This image was found in Ghost Town along with the encoded message below. See if you can decipher the message. Enter the entire decoded messa...
Challenge: One of our operatives took a photo of a notebook belonging to Donnell. We think it's a message intended for another member of DEADFACE. Can ...
Challenge: We intercepted network traffic between two suspected DEADFACE actors. The problem is, we have no idea what we're looking at. We think it might...
Challenge: We found some unusual activity coming from an employee's Windows 10 workstation at De Monne Financial. Our IT guy saved the memory dump to the ...
Challenge: The amcache can be a pretty handy tool to help build out a timeline of execution during an investigation, and is always located in \%SystemRoot...
Challenge: Prefetch files are another handy tool to show evidence of execution. What time was Internet Explorer opened? (GMT) Submit the flag as flag{Y...
Challenge: Deadface has left a message in the code. Can you read the code and figure out what it says? You may also copy and paste the code in an emulator...
Challenge: We found a script being used by DEADFACE. It should be relatively straightforward, but no one here knows Python very well. Can you help us find...
Challenge: We found a script being used by DEADFACE. One of our informants says that the code contains one of mort1cia's passwords. There must be a way to...
Challenge: What is the name of the executable in the malicious url? Submit the filename as the flag: flag{virus.bad}.
Challenge: What is the MD5 hash of the Windows executable file? NOTE: If you extract any files within this challenge, please delete the file after you ...
Challenge: A malicious dll was downloaded over http in this traffic, what was the ip address that delivered this file?
Challenge: The malware uses four different ip addresses and ports for communication, what IP uses the same port as https? Submit the flag as: flag{ip add...
Challenge: One of the processes loaded a cookie file belonging to cmaldonado, what is the name of the process? Submit the flag as flag{process.exe}. Us...
Challenge: We've had a hard time finding anything on spookyboi. But finally, with some search engine finessing, an analyst found an old, vulnerable server...
Challenge: We intercepted this image from a user on Ghost Town. Some kind of tool was used to hide a file in this image.
Challenge: Shallow Grave University has provided us with a dump of their database. Find luciafer's email address and submit it as the flag in this format:...
Challenge: How many users exist in the Shallow Grave University database? Submit the flag in the following format: flag{#} Use the file from Address Bo...
Challenge: Using the Shallow Grave SQL dump, which field(s) in the users table accepts NULL values? Submit the field name followed by the single command u...
Challenge: Without counting duplicates, how many courses are being offered in the FALL2020 term at Shallow Grave University? Submit the flag in the follow...
Challenge: Submit the contents of flag3.txt from the remote machine. ssh Password: hacktober-Underdog-Truth-Glimpse
Challenge: According to conversations found in Ghost Town, r34p3r despises 90s kids and tends to target them in his attacks. How many users in the Shallow...
Challenge: One of our other analysts isn't familiar with SQL and needs help finding out how many users live in which states. Submit the SQL command used t...
Challenge: Based on ghosttown discussions, DEADFACE has a secret website they tell their new recruits about. Somewhere on that site is a hidden flag that ...
Challenge: What is the localityName in the Certificate Issuer data for HTTPS traffic to Use the file from Evil Corp's Child.
Challenge: We want you to infiltrate DEADFACE as a programmer. Thing is, they're picky about who they bring in. They want to make sure you're the real dea...
Challenge: What MYDDNS domain is used for the post-infection traffic in RATPack.pcap? Use the file from Remotely Administrated Evil.
Challenge: What is the domain used by the post-infection traffic over HTTPS? Use the file from An Evil Christmas Carol.
Challenge: One of the junior analysts thinks that there is a duplicate process - an "evil twin" - masquerading as a legitimate process. What is the name o...
Challenge: What was the command used with the malicious explorer.exe? Submit the entire command as the flag: flag{program.exe --options argument}. Use ...
Challenge: What was the name of the process that spawned the malicious explorer.exe? Submit the flag as the name and extension of the process and the PID ...
Challenge: There is a flag associated with the malicious process from Evil Twin on a popular site used to check malware hashes. Find and submit that flag.
Challenge: We intercepted this image from a user on Ghost Town. Some kind of tool was used to hide information in this image.
Challenge: Check out this image Donnell Aulner posted on Ghost Town. There's probably something hidden in this image. Can you find it?
Challenge: One of the other junior analysts stumbled upon this and isn't quite sure what to make of it. Based on the context that it was found, it might b...
Challenge: Ali Tevlin went on vacation in August. Based on his social media activity, which town did he stop in first? Submit the flag as flag{City, State...
Challenge: What is the MD5 hash of the malicious explorer.exe file from Evil Twin? Use the file from Captured Memories.
Challenge: What type of malware infection is Example 1? Submit as flag{infection name}. Use the file from Remotely Administrated Evil.
Challenge: What type of malware infection is exhibited in this traffic? Use the file from Evil Corp's Child.
Challenge: What type of malware infection is seen in this traffic? Use the file from An Evil Christmas Carol.
Challenge: It seems spookyboi still wants proof you're a top-notch programmer. He wants you to create a program that returns one number on the first line,...
Challenge: We've slowly been piecing together the name of one of DEADFACE's future victims. Here's the information we have: The first two characte...
Challenge: We have a list of password hashes from De Monne Financial. For the most part, their users use pretty secure passwords. Check the list and see i...
Challenge: There's a secret buried here, but we need help finding it. Supposedly, there's a flag hidden deep within this image. But how far down do we nee...
Challenge: We intercepted this image from a known DEADFACE affiliate. Some kind of tool was used to hide a file in this image. Unlike some of the other, e...