The Goodest Boy
We found this image on Ghost Town. We think bumpyhassan hid some information here. Can you see what information he hid?
Reviewing the GhostTown thread that was provided in the challenge description tells us that bumpyhassan used a very basic Steganography technique:
With "simple" in mind,s we started off by running the strings
utility on the image, which produced a password in the output:
$ strings doggo.jpg
One of the most common stego tools is steghide, so we leveraged the password from the previous step to extract a PDF that was embedded in the image:
$ steghide extract -sf doggo.jpg -p borkbork
wrote extracted data to "itsasecret.pdf".
Viewing the PDF revealed the flag:
The accepted flag was: flag{whos_A_g00d_boi_bork_bork}
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