Fall Classes
How many unique Fall courses are present in the database dump? Submit the flag as
.Use the database from Counting Heads.
Using the database we created during the Counting Heads challenge, we re-reviewed the tables and determined the 'terms'
and 'term_courses'
tables contained the data we needed to solve the challenge:
mysql> SELECT * FROM terms;
term_id term_name start_date end_date description
1 SPRING2022 2022-04-04 2022-07-29 Spring semester 2022
2 FALL2022 2022-08-01 2022-11-25 Fall semester 2022
mysql> DESCRIBE term_courses;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
term_crs_id int NO PRI NULL auto_increment
course_id int NO MUL NULL
term_id int NO MUL NULL
instructor int NO MUL NULL
mysql> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(course_id)) FROM term_courses WHERE term_id = (SELECT term_id FROM terms WHERE term_name LIKE "FALL2022");
The accepted flag was: flag{405}
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