Cereal Killer 02
How well do YOU know
? See if you can answer this trivia question! Enter the answer asflag{here-is-the-answer}
.Download File SHA1:
The provided file was a PE32 executable written in .NET:
$ file df2022_re02.exe
df2022_re02.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
Running the program produced a prompt asking for TheZeal0t's
favorite breakfast cereal:
$ mono df2022_re02.exe
What is TheZeal0t's favorite breakfast cereal?
Answer: PingTrip
I'm sorry, but although TheZeal0t will eat almost ANY breakfast cereal(he eats it without milk, which a lot of people find truly disgusting), that is not his FAVORITE cereal. Therefore, I cannot share the flag with you. Please try again.
We opened the program in ILSpy and reviewed the code's logic:
Console.WriteLine("What is TheZeal0t's favorite breakfast cereal?");
Console.Write("Answer: ");
string text2 = Console.ReadLine();
text2 = text2.Trim();
string text3 = "68c6cedc2edc7a6786f05a4419f29f32";
byte[] second = new byte[16]
174, 225, 238, 82, 98, 117, 124, 246, 123, 97,
159, 246, 62, 150, 114, 182
byte[] array;
using (MD5 mD = MD5.Create())
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text2);
array = mD.ComputeHash(bytes);
if (array.SequenceEqual(second))
We can see that the user's input is used to generate an MD5 hash which is then compared against a hardcoded MD5 hash stored in the byte array named second[]
. We extracted the bytes from second[]
and used CyberChef to quickly to it into a hex string for cracking.
We loaded the hash onto our cracking rig and ran a Hashcat session with the RockYou wordlist, but it was unable to crack the hash. We ran a second session using the Weakpass2 list and Hashcat produced the plaintext in under five minutes:
$ hashcat -w4 -m0 -a0 "aee1ee5262757cf67b619ff63e9672b6" /data/wrdlists/weakpass_2
Status...........: Cracked
Running the program again and supplying the input peanutbuttercrunch
revealed the flag:
$ mono df2022_re02.exe
What is TheZeal0t's favorite breakfast cereal?
Answer: peanutbuttercrunch
That's CORRECT! Congratulations! Here is the flag...
The accepted flag was: flag{Peanut-Butter-Crunch-FTW-For-DaZeal0t!}
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